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Shelley Randall has worked with individuals and families suffering from substance use disorder and mental health challenges since 1991 in her capacity as counselor, lawyer and psychedelic sitter. 


While working as a lawyer representing individuals challenged by mental illness and substance use disorder, she sought answers for the massive suffering she encountered each day in her job. She became certified as a reiki master and in 2 other energy healing modalities. She studied mediumship and psychic development with various teachers. In 2019 she became a certified yoga teacher and opened up a studio where she taught Yoga and Qi Gong. She also hosted events with Energy Healers, Psychics, Mediums and Animal Communicators. In 2021 she found further healing through plant medicine and completed a 6-month course on psychedelic assisted therapy. Currently, she is enrolled as a first-year student in The Chaplaincy Institute of Maine.


Throughout her years working with teachers and facilitators in these Spiritual and healing modalities and working with her own plant medicine experiences, she became interested in the ethics she felt were necessary to work with individuals that are seeking answers and relief from their own suffering.

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